As a Bloomberg fanatic probably the best software ever is livestation - and it runs fine on the AAO. Here's how.
Download Linux version from
Where you see tab press tab and BASH should autocomplete the file name
Enter the folder where you download by default in terminal with
cd /home/user/Downloads
chmod +x Livestation [tab]
sudo ./Livestation [tab]
Press q, y, enter, enter ... follow instructions. It's quite a good installer - a lot better than crappy RPMs.
You can try running it now with livestation & - but wait - a library error! Woe betide us!
Lets just copy to
This procedure is probably nefarious, and will probably ruin your computer.
cd /lib/
sudo cp
Open with livestation &
I wonder if it works for non-bloomberg channels. We may never know. Seems the AAO is a second rate notebook, but a first class television.