Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dvorak Layout

I'm used to a Dvorak keyboard layout, and find that the optimised pattern of typing that comes from the dvorak layout helps make life with the AAOs crappy keyboard a little more tolerable. However Acer includes no Dvorak layout option in their keyboard layout choosing utility. 

Linpus does support Dvorak, all you need to do is edit xorg.conf:

sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find the line that reads approximately:

Option "XkbLayout" "Qwerty(US)"

and replace with

Option "XkbLayout" "dvorak"

Now remap your keys in the usual way, and you should now have a fully functional dvorak keyboard. 

However it is worth noting that the keys to the left of Enter(Return) on my UK keyboard are reduced size, and cannot be swapped properly. US keyboards have a different Enter(Return) button, so might have a different experience.

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