Saturday, November 22, 2008

High Resolution

I have my Acer Aspire One driving a 1680x1050 20" flatscreen monitor right now. I'm sure the AAO can go much higher as well. It has a stock Intel graphics chip, but Acer seem to think it's really classy to limit you to 1024x600/768. To get high resolution working edit your xorg.conf file.

sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find the section "Screen" near the bottom and replace 

Virtual 1024 768


Virtual 2048 2048

and add "1680x1050" to the Modes line, just above it. Obviously eplace 1680 and 1050 with your monitors suggested horizontal and vertical resolution. 

Plug in the monitor and press F5 to use.


Unknown said...

I've been looking for this for the whole week I've owned my AAO 110Ab now. Will try it as soon as I can. Have a 20inch tft monitor with a native resolution of 1600x1200. I will post here what happens.

Unknown said...

Hmm. Not that I'm not gratefull, but I can't seem to get my external monitor up higher than 1024x768 @75Hz. That's a lot better than 1024x600, which was my previous record, but it's nowhere near my 1600x1200. Any tips?

Unknown said...

Got it working, used xrandr -s 1600x1200 in the terminal. Thanks again!